One of the most popular types of diet pill is Phentermine. Since many people have utilised this product it was found to be successful to become a very common product.
Fenfluramine/phentermine drug is a diet pill which can be purchased with a prescription and are mainly useful for the obese people who are under the risk of many serious complications for health. The drug comes under the Schedule IV and therefore it is regarded as a controlled substance. This is a product which is capable in suppressing the appetite and maintains the hunger in control and undergoes weight loss through the restriction in the intake of calories. Another main purpose of this drug is its effect on the metabolism. This helps in increase of energy of the body thereby giving the body a thermogenic effect and in reducing the fat. This makes use the fatty acids into energy and thereby reduce the excess fat in the body. The drug will be more effective when utilised along with proper diet and exercise. Many studies have proven that it has the capability in the stimulation of the hypothalamus gland which is the main part in controlling the nervous system along with the control of the sleep cycles.
This medicine is available in the form of tablets and capsules. Mostly the medicine is prescribed only for a short term. That is, for around 3 to 6 weeks or maximum for 3 months. It is recommended to take some break after this recommended cycle.
The dosage of this drug mainly depends on the need of the person and the way the individual thinks to achieve the result in an effective manner with the lowest level of the dose. As per usual dose that is suggested by the users’ one tablet a day is recommended with 37.5 mg daily. That is it needs to be taken before the breakfast or 2 hours after the food. Some category of patients needs to take only 18.75 mg a day or 18.75 mg two times a day.
Side Effects
The medicine is prescribed only for a short period due to the reason that this will be having some common side effects. Some of the common side effects that seem to be are feeling like dry mouth, diarrhoea, nausea etc. We can also notice some serious side effects like the change in the heart rate and the increase in blood pressure. Also some of the users will be having a difficulty in breathing and chest pain.
After so many reviews of the users it is proved that this is one of the drugs that are most popular in the list of oral weight loss pills. But while having this medicine all the safety measures should be taken and also need to be cautioned. On consuming products like this proves to be beneficial in developing a better eating habit and a different lifestyle by protecting the people from being overweight. But it would be always a better option on consuming the supplement with the supervision of a physician supported with proper exercise and diet.